Friday, August 5, 2016

Storydello: Muriel Tries Again

 Within the space of three years, Muriel had lost both of her parents and her husband. But she never seemed to give up. In 1940, just two years after Lincoln's death, she married again. Her new husband was a famous clothing designer with outlets in New York, London and Paris.
It didn't last long. Soon the newspaper reported, "Nine months of married life with 80-year-old Amos Sulka was enough for Muriel Knight Stadler Sulka... She won a divorce at Reno, Nevada on grounds of cruelty late yesterday and was home for lunch today. She flew East on a United Airlines sleeper after a whirlwind trip to the city of broken romances."

She told the reporter she would travel to Canada in a few days to do some fishing..."my favourite hobby."
Posted yesterday on Storydello.