Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Busy Elsewhere

I'm busy with another project right now, so I had to put my sketching on "pause". I hope to pick it up again next Tuesday, and I can hardly wait! Every time I walk past this stack of sketchbooks, I can hear their little voices calling to me.

I name them alphabetically, like hurricanes, because it helps me to keep them in roughly-chronological order. Here are Flo, Gabby, Hilda, Isabelle and Julia. My current one is Kelly. As soon as the other project is off my desk, I intend to celebrate with a wahoooo of sketching and colouring, so please brace yourselves. In the meantime, I hope all is well with you and yours, and I'll be back soon!


  1. I love the idea of naming your sketchbooks! I had never thought of that... maybe I'll name my notebooks. Good luck with your project... we'll be here when you return.
